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Dobromirka calling!

We managed to coordinate our flights perfectly. We arrived in Sofia with a 15-minute difference. It was quite late, but our friends from Mission Possible met us at the airport. And the next day our adventure began.

At 2022 Littworld conference in Hungary participants from the Balkan countries got together one day and a dream was born. We decided that Christian content creators from the Balkan and neighbouring countries need their regional meeting. And the best place for such a meeting is… Bulgaria. Since then we kept dreaming and praying for this project. It was taking shape. And finally, it was time to go there to see conference facilities and what’s more important finalize plans with our wonderful friends and future conference hosts from Mission Possible.

So after three days of travels and meetings, it was confirmed to us. The Balkan+ Forum of Christian content creators will be held in Dobromirka. Do you know what Dobromirka means? Good peace….

(to be continued)